Conemaugh Physician Group - Primary Care East Hills
Conemaugh Physician Group - Primary Care East Hills

Conemaugh Health System, member of Duke LifePoint Healthcare, is committed to providing an Ideal Patient Experience for all patients and their families. Conemaugh physicians and staff look forward to providing quality care for our patients. We are Making Communities Healthier through effective strategic planning, advanced technology, and constant innovation to improve our services.

Richland Township

Cambria County • Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Richland Township Municipal Office
322 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 110
Johnstown Pennsylvania 15904-2924

Phone: 814-266-2922
Fax: 814-266-2024

Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM

Map of Cambria County with Richland Township highlighted

© 2025. Richland Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks are of their respective owners.

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