All meetings are held in the Richland Township Meeting Room at 322 Schoolhouse Road.
Board of Supervisors
Meets every other Monday at 6:00 pm
Planning Commission
Meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm
Zoning Hearing Board
Meets on an as needed basis
- Swimming pools capable of holding water 18’’ and higher
- Driveway modifications (including repaving, altering, or changing a driveway)
- Demolition of homes, structures, swimming pools, etc.
- Signage
- Reroofing (shingles, metal, etc.)
- Occupancies
- Transient merchant sales
- Door to door solicitation
- Exterior display of merchandise
- Firework displays
- Moving in or out of residence
- Road and right of way occupancy
Permits must be obtained prior to construction, sales or required permitted activity.
The Township reserves the right to DOUBLE permit costs if a project is initiated prior to obtaining required permits.
The Zoning Ordinance specifies building setbacks, regulates lot coverage, limits heights of structures and fences, and contains other very specific regulations. It is strongly recommended that if you are contemplating any improvements or alterations to your home or business, you should contact the Zoning office at 814-266-2922 to discuss your plans and determine what permits and approvals might be necessary.
Berkheimer Tax Office
- Business Privilege (BP)
- Mercantile
- Occupation Assessment (OA)
- Local Service (LST)
Contact Information:
Elected Tax Collector
- Real Estate
- Per Capita
Contact Information:
Michele Ziants
213 Delta Drive
Johnstown, PA 15904
You may file a right to know request by going to the page linked below and then completing and submitting the Right to Know Request form.
Trash collection in Richland Township is private. Please contact a local garbage company for this service.
Yes, the Richland Township Recyclable Collection Program requires all residents occupying single-family and multi-family dwellings of two and three units to do the following:
- Recyclables must be placed in containers provided by the Township. The containers are available at the Municipal Building. Extra containers can be purchased for $10.
- Placement of Containers: Curbside pick-up requires that containers be placed at the curb by 5:00 am on the collection day.
- Holidays: If there is a holiday during the week of your scheduled pickup day, your pickup will be the next day. There is Saturday pickup. Holidays that fall on a weekend will not affect weekly pickup.
- Glass Containers, Aluminum Cans, Steel and Bi-metallic Cans, Plastics (#1 through #5), Cardboard (cereal and food boxes, gift boxes, etc.), Corrugated Boxes (moving boxes, packing boxes, etc.), Newspaper
- Recyclable materials may be commingled, except for cardboard and corrugated boxes. Place bottles, cans, jars, etc. in the recycling container. Cardboard and corrugated boxes must be flattened, tied into bundles and placed beside the recycling container.
Pro Disposal is the current curbside recycling contractor and can be reached at 888-258-1757.
Where: 155 Township Shed Road, Johnstown PA 15904
When: 3rd Wednesday of Every Month from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM
- Limbs or branches must be 8′ in length and shorter
- Limbs or branches 1 1/2” or smaller must be bundled
- Richland residents only
- No other yard waste/debris permitted
- No drop off any other time
The Township has adopted the International Property Maintenance Codes. Here are some examples:
- Weeds and grass are not to exceed height of 12’’.
- Yards must not be cluttered or littered with rubbish or garbage
- Rubbish is defined as: combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage; the term shall include the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke and other combustible materials, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass, crockery and dust and other similar materials.
- Garbage is defined as: the animal or vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
- Abandoned, unlicensed or unregistered vehicles are not permitted
- Fences, hedges, trees, shrubs, weeds and vines must not obstruct the vision of motorists and are not permitted on Township right of ways.
Property Maintenance concerns can be submitted to the Township office.
Annual permit required if burning ($5 fee)
- Rubbish
- Any fire set for the purpose of burning domestic refuse, when the fire is on the premises of any structure occupied solely as a dwelling by two families or less and when such refuse results from the normal occupancy of said structure.
- Brush, trees and similar cuttings removed in the course of cleaning a lot or parcel of ground for the purpose of selling the timber or providing space for the erection of a building or other similar structure or use permitted under the applicable ordinances of Richland Township.
- Open burning is allowed TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY – 8:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M
No permit required if:
- Outdoor fireplaces, barbecue pits, charcoal burners, recreational fires and propane gas burners are permitted if used for cooking only and are not used to circumvent the intent and prohibitions of the residential burning permit and:
- Shall only consist of seasoned dry firewood, charcoal, gas or other approved fuels.
- Shall not be used for waste disposal purposes.
The Richland Township Police are authorized to enforce the burning and shall order the extinguishment, by the permit holder or the Fire Department, of any open burning which creates or adds to a hazardous or objectionable situation and/or is in violation of this chapter. To report a burning violation, please call the non-emergency police number at 814-472-2100.
Contact PennDOT at 1-800-349-7623 (if located on/along a State roadway)
Contact the Game Commission at 724-238-9523 (if located on/along a Township roadway)
Please be advised that Richland Township Public Works Department does not pick up animal remains.