The storm water requirements of the federal Clean Water Act are administered under the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Program.  In December 2002, DEP issued a General Permit requiring the implementation of a storm water management program for minimizing the impacts from runoff.


Under the MS4 Program, permittees are required to incorporate the following six elements into their storm water management programs:

  • Public education and outreach
  • Public involvement and participation
  • Illicit discharge detection and elimination
  • Construction site runoff control
  • Post-construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment
  • Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations and maintenance

Homeowner Lawn Care

What is an MS4?

Stormwater Smart

Richland Township

Cambria County • Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Richland Township Municipal Office
322 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 110
Johnstown Pennsylvania 15904-2924

Phone: 814-266-2922
Fax: 814-266-2024

Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM

Map of Cambria County with Richland Township highlighted

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