Richland Township is mandated by the State of Pennsylvania to pick up and compost leaves due to our population. In the fall of each year, leaves raked to the curb along Township roads will be collected by the Public Works Department using vacuum equipment. Leaves remaining from the Fall will be picked up the following Spring, during the month of April. Please place the bagged leaves at the curb for collection. 

Leaf Waste:  Leaves will be picked up beginning in October of every year. The pickup continues until the end of November, weather permitting.  An advertisement in the local newspaper will remind residents when collection is about to begin.

Leaf Collection is for LEAVES ONLY.  Do not place sticks, twigs, branches, or other yard waste materials with leaves. If the leaves are mixed with other materials, the leaves will not be collected.

  • Rake the leaves to within 3 feet of the curb or edge of roadway. Do not rake onto road.  If leaves are raked onto the road, it may cause a hazard for drivers, as well as clog storm water drains during a rain event.
  • Bagged leaves must be within 3 feet of the curb or edge of roadway.
  • In an effort to remain effective and efficient, Richland Township needs all residents to follow these guidelines or be faced with the possibility of not having the leaves collected.
  • Because leaf waste is a recyclable item, it may not be put in the trash or burned.  Bags or containers that have a mix of leaf waste and trash will not be collected.

Richland Township does its best to collect leaves throughout the Township. This of course is greatly dependent on the weather and equipment.


The Township appreciates your assistance and cooperation.  

Richland Township

Cambria County • Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Richland Township Municipal Office
322 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 110
Johnstown Pennsylvania 15904-2924

Phone: 814-266-2922
Fax: 814-266-2024

Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM

Map of Cambria County with Richland Township highlighted

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